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The Adverb

All Question - (77)

modifying a preposition
modifying an adverb
midifying an adjective
modifying a verb
Modifying a preposition
Modifying an adverb
Modifying an adjective
Modifying a verb
a verb
an adjective
an adverb
a conjunction
modifying a preposition
modifying an adverb
modifying an adjective
modifying a verb
She won first prize in the competition .
They play was first performed in Dhaka .
Theis is the first time she has experienced disappointment
He is the first in his family to go to university
He came first in the one hundred metre race
He answered the question correctly
He did it with care
We procedded cautiously
It was troblesome to me
The boy played well in the first round
They rounded the temple silently
A square peg in a round table
At last he came round to their belief
I don't know the why and wherefore of it
Why did he come here?
I know the reason why he did it ?
Why, it is surely Mahboob
Write the essay in brief
Write essay brifly
Write the eassy in a short
Write the eassay shortly

Men are notoriously insensitive to the emotional world around them. At least, that is the impression circulated by a thousand women's magazine. And a study by two researchers at the University of Melbourne, in Australia, confirms that men are and suggestive exception Men are extremely sensitive to the anger of their men.